Tag Archives: survey of barriers

Survey of Barriers for Women in Transition




Please help us by answering a survey about YOUR experience.  Our goal is to hear YOUR voice and find answers to YOUR needs. 

When  women experience events that turn their lives  upside down, they face multiple challenges trying to move on.  Many struggle to keep their families together and need shelter, good food, employment and medical care in order to do that.  The legal barriers in that struggle are many and often little understood by those most in need.

In an effort to better assess the legal needs of women in transition, we have developed a survey that looks at some of the more challenging barriers that women face.  Finding the path out can be difficult.

Our hope is that this survey will help us identify the most urgent legal needs of women experiencing a transition in their lives.

Our goal is to create resources that will help women navigate those legal barriers.

Thank you for helping!

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